
Rock Eating Velociraptors? TerraClear Combines Drone Scouting, Futuristic Machinery to Nab Pesky Boulders

TerraClear is revolutionizing rock picking in agriculture with a cutting-edge system that combines drones, high-resolution imagery, and machine learning to identify problematic rocks in fields. A smart implement deployed by skid steers efficiently handles the labor-intensive task, outperforming traditional human crews by clearing more rocks at faster speeds.

Led by new CEO Devin Lammers, who grew up on a bison ranch in South Dakota, TerraClear is preparing for a full commercial launch in 2025, focusing on key agricultural states like Iowa and Minnesota. The company is also building partnerships to expand its sales and service distribution network, with Loftness Specialized Equipment as a key manufacturing partner. The innovative TC Rock Picker has already worked over 10,000 acres this season, as showcased at the Farm Progress Show.

By MATTHEW J. GRASSI September 9, 2024


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